Dog breeds that start with C

In this article we list some of the dog breeds that start with the letter C. These are the following.


Originates from Mexico

Small yet very tough, they can cope with pain very well and do not put up with uninvited strangers very well. Intelligent and high spirited, caution should be used when interacting with small children.

Chow Chow

They originate from China and were used for many tasks, which included guarding, companionship and a possible food source for humans.

Loyal to their owners, yet leary of strangers. Independent nature.

Chinese crested

Originally from China.They are hairless except for their head, tail and feet. Their hair is light while their fur / skin is usually darker.

Lively, affectionate


The Cockapoo originated in the USA in the 1960’s. It is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Miniature Poodle. It is becoming a very popular and may soon be a recognized breed. Like other crosses, the first dogs were the result of unplanned mating, but more recently, as numbers have increased, mating between the Cockapoos have become planned. The Poodle is evident both in the face and coat texture, and in the personality of this new “breed.”

The Cockapoo is good with children and are easy to obedience train. This breed gets along well with other dogs.



The first information we have of the existence of the spaniel comes from a description by Gaston Phebus in 1300. However, it was five hundred years later that the various English Spaniels were divided into seven breeds; the Clumber, the Sussex, the Welsh Springer, the English Springer, the Field, the Irish Water Spaniel and the Cocker. All these Spaniels derive from a Spaniel-type dog imported into England centuries ago. The Cocker and Springer Spaniels developed together, with only size differentiating them until 1892 when the Kennel Club of England recognized them as separate breeds. Later, in the 1940’s, the American and Canadian Kennel Clubs recognized the English Cocker Spaniel as a separate breed from the American Cocker Spaniel. The name “Cocker” comes from the woodcock bird this Spaniel was originally bred to hunt. They are excellent retrievers with delicate mouths. These days, the English Cocker is more often a companion dog due to his good-natured disposition. The talents of this breed are tracking, hunting, retrieving, watchdogging, agility, and competitive obedience.


The English Cocker Spaniel is a hardy, energetic, merry and affectionate. Excellent with kids, gentle and playful, but does not tolerate teasing well. A moderate barker, and obeys respectfully the orders it is given. A great companion dog. Generally an outgoing breed, but may depend on individual character. Males tend to be more cooperative. Cockers should be trained very gently, but firmly, as they are sensitive but also independent and intelligent. They do well with other household pets.