The value of a dog food comparison
To gather the best results on your dog food comparison, it’s important to understand what your dog’s body needs to stay healthy.
A successful comparison will require some basic insight into a dog’s nutritional needs. Dog owners have more options of food and treats for their dog than ever before. This is why it is so important to educate ourselves on our dog’s dietary needs. Understandably, most owners are overwhelmed with so many varieties to choose from. Although choosing the best dog foods takes a little effort, it is well worth it. The best dog foods will be rich in nutrients making it easier for your dog to digest his meal.
PROTEINSProtein is not only important for a dog’s muscles but for his skin, coat and nails as well. The age of the dog and how active he is determines the necessary amounts of protein needed. 25%-35% would be the recommend range for pups, dogs performing agility, sled dogs, sick or unhealthy dogs and pregnant or lactating canines. The average healthy adult dog requires 18% daily. Protein should be monitored for dogs with kidney problems or kidney disease. Veterinarians generally place these dogs on a protein restricted diet.
CARBOHYDRATESDog’s require very little carbohydrates, yet most dry dog foods contain between 30-70%. The starch from the carbohydrates actually forms the kibble.
FATSBeing the major source of energy for dogs, the amount is determined by the age of the dog and it’s activity level. 17% Is the recommended amount for puppies, pregnant or nursing dogs daily. The average healthy adult dog should receive approximately 10-15% while very active dogs require approximately 20% a day. Sled dogs need roughly 50% daily. Animal fats and oils such as canola, olive or vegetable are all great sources of fat for dogs. They provide the recommended 1% of Linoleic Acid which is essential for dogs.
FIBERFiber helps constipation, anal gland problems and diarrhea. Good sources of fiber for your dog are bran, Metamucil and pumpkin.
To achieve the best results of your dog food comparison it’s important to understand the recommended amounts as well as what actually makes up the food. Learn a little about what’s good and what’s bad in your dog’s food. Start by comparing foods then check their ratings with consumer research groups.
Make a point to compare the all natural brands such as “Natural Balance” against the traditional commercial brands. More often than not, it is a real wake up call for for dog owners.