A quick how to grooming guide for amateur dog groomers
An important part of dog care is proper grooming and many owners wonder about how this should be done. I am sure that it is something that you yourself have asked, or maybe you are just wondering “Am I doing it properly?”
Well, swapadog is are here to help!
Here is the definitive step-by-step guide to how it should be done.
Regular grooming is a great way to bond and is vital to keep your dog looking its best and to keep them clean and healthy (not to mention keeping hair off your furniture and carpet!). Grooming can actually help improve circulation and muscle tone but it also has an important part to play in detecting problems such as parasites or a change in the sheen of the coat. Obviously different breeds need different amounts of attention and frequency of grooming but we will summarise the grooming process below.
Step 1: Tools – As mentioned before, different breeds will have different needs. A short haired dog might need a coarse brush while a long haired dog might need a long tooth comb and regular clipping. If your dog experiences any pain will brushing then you should make the switch to a softer tool such as a brushing mitt or rubber brush. After all we want to make the experience positive for both of you.
Step 2: Timing – It is useful to get your dog into a familiar routine so select a time that is convenient for both of you and make sure that praise is always at the forefront of your mind. Grooming just before a treat can re-enforce the positive aspect of the process and help the dog to look forward to this time. A 10 minute session, once a day, is recommended although for long haired breeds this may have to be longer.
Step 3: Grooming – Start with brushing, this is the most enjoyable part for both of you but at the same time pay attention to the coat. Are there any signs of fleas? Small black particles on the skin could be the deposits of fleas, although they usually only jump onto dogs to get a meal but actually live in the environment. While running the brush or your hand over the coat are there any bumps or lumps? Discuss anything out of the ordinary with your vet. Again, if you see any ticks (small white parasites) you should talk with your vet. These can be picked up from outside including park areas or vegetation, removing them is tricky as you can leave part of the tick still stuck to your dog.
Next, move onto the feet and nails. Check carefully for any kind of foreign object between the toes and if the nails are getting too long they should be clipped. This will usually happen naturally via the dogs daily activities.
This whole process doesn’t take very long but has a great many advantages in keeping your pet safe, happy and healthy.
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