Komondor puppy and dog information
The Komondor is a gorgeous sheep dog from Hungary where she was bred to fight off bears and wolves. This is a no nonsense dog that makes a serious watch dog and guard dog. She is not a barker and her ears do not move much so she may not communicate that she is disturbed and about to defend. She is generally good with farm animals but can be very aggressive with people not in her immediate family and other dogs, including your kids friends. She can tend to be a one person dog and needs early extensive socialization. She may be too aggressive for suburban life. Farmers have taken notice of her due to the population explosion of coyotes
*Approximate Adult Size. The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the Komondor is 26 to 32 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 80 to 135 pounds.
*Special Health Considerations. Most dog breeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Komondor is no exception. Be on the look out for Canine Hip Dysplasia (genetic based looseness in the hip joint that can lead to arthritis pain and lameness), skin problems and bloat (Gastric Dilation-Volvulus, the second leading killer of dogs, can kill within the hour, this space is too limited for a complete explanation but you should read up on this). Feeding more then once a day and avoiding exercise right after meals may help guard against bloat. This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases may also be significant threats, please contact your veterinarian for a complete list.
She should visit the veterinarian several times in the first year for shots, boosters and check up. Then, as an adult, she should visit the veterinarian yearly for shots and check up. As she gets older, six years and on, she should visit the veterinarian twice a year for check ups and shots. Remember; avoid feeding your dog sweets.
*Grooming. The Komondor should never be brushed or combed. It can be washed but may take almost a day to dry. She needs to be set up on a grooming schedule with a professional but she may be very aggressive to someone that she does not know. A better solution is for her owner to learn how to groom her from a professional and do it themselves.
Her teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes the accumulation of plaque and tartar which can cause cavities (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious disease.
Her toenails may need to be examined for growth and clipped regularly. The toenails of the rear feet grow slower than the toenails of the front feet. Generally a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this chore and competent instructions to accomplish this can be found on the net.
*Life Span. The Komondor can live between 8 and 12 years with proper nutrition, medical care and excellent living conditions.
*History. The Komondor comes from Hungary where they were used to protect sheep from wolves, bears and dogs. They were first registered by the American Kennel Association in 1937.
Some Registries: *Komondor Club of America *UKC United Kennel Club *NKC National Kennel Club *CKC Continental Kennel Club *APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc. *AKC American Kennel Club *FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale *NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club *KCGB = Kennel Club of Great Britain *ANKC = Australian National Kennel Club *ACR = American Canine Registry
Litter Size: 3 to 10 Komondor puppies
Category: Working
Terms To Describe: Strength, dignity, agile, light feet, dignified, suspicious,
*SPECIAL GOOD POINTS Makes a very good watch dog. Makes a very good guard dog. Little to no shedding.
*SPECIAL BAD POINTS Requires professional grooming. She can be very lazy. They need firm obedience training. Can be a one person dog. Not a barker.
*Every dog is an individual so not everything in this information may be correct for your dog. This information is meant as a good faith guideline only.