Choosing a pedigree dog breeder
If you want to purchase a pedigree puppy, there will be no shortage of contact information available to you on the internet, in dog magazines, local newspapers and in a host of other places. However, no matter how good the advertisement looks or how professional the website appears there is no guarantee that you have found a breeder with a good reputation unless you, personally, put effort into research.
Breeders mainly fall into two categories – breeders who are only interested in money and people who love their animals, want to preserve the breed and whose first priority is the welfare of their dogs. Your only interest should be in the latter group because if a breeder does not have a waiting list for his puppies there is a fair chance that he breeds from a puppy farm or there may be something wrong with the bloodline including interbreeding and crossbreeding. The fast buck breeder is not concerned about adequate veterinary care or vaccinating and immunization costs. Puppy farms breed in cruel, inadequate conditions and can cause genetic damage that can ruin a breed for generations to come.
It is easy to identify a breeder with an exemplary reputation by recognizing the following qualities:-
1) The breeder only produces one to three breed types and could win a quiz show with her knowledge of the breeds she is working with.
2) Good breeders will only allow their bitches to produce puppies annually or once per two years because their primary concern is for the wellbeing of their breeding females. It is unlikely that you will be able to obtain a puppy from a good breeder without pre-ordering because usually all of the puppies are sold before they are born. The breeder will usually have a long waiting list on which you can place your name if the breeder believes you will be a suitable owner.
3) Before the breeder will allow you to place your name on the waiting list you will need to fill out an application form in which you will normally be required to provide information about where the puppy will live, whether you have other animals, whether you have children, how many people live in your home, how big your house is and your income.
4) Other dog breeders in the local area speak well of your chosen breeder and will probably be able to confirm that the breeder is registered with any of the various local clubs and associations as well as the Kennel Club for whichever country is applicable.
5) Without being prompted invites, if not insists, that you inspect the kennels and any dogs or puppies they may have. Your inspection should reveal that the kennels are clean, airy and good sized, containing healthy, calm and cheerful dogs. At the same time you will be able to evaluate how the breeder behaves with the dogs and what their reaction is to the breeder. You will not normally find anything unusual, such as frightened, shy or nervous dogs in good kennels.
6) Voluntarily shows you all registration documentation and any papers required for kennel club and other association registry. This type of breeder will proudly display information about the champion bloodlines of their dogs as well as all relevant health certificates and test results. You will probably notice many trophies and ribbons decorating the office along with a multitude of photographs.
The breeder will possibly want to inspect your home and will guarantee the puppy’s health. Good luck with finding your pedigree puppy.