Canine skin diseases, a look at four common dog skin problems

Canine skin diseases are among some of the most common health problems. Diagnosing them accurately can sometimes prove to be difficult as many other diseases imitate their symptoms. Some of the most common dog skin problems include hot spots, Cheyletiella, mange, and ringworm. This article will take a look at some of these skin conditions.

Hot Spots

Hot spots are areas of skin that have become inflamed. These areas are usually infected also, and the infection can only be superficial in the skin or deep. Symptoms include oozing, redness, and hair loss in the area. Hot spots are usually caused by fleas, mites, injury, or insect bites. Treatment options include topical medications, special shampoos, or oral antibiotics. You should also clean the area daily and apply a cool compress at least twice a day.


One of the next common canine skin diseases is Cheyletiella. Cheyletiella are mites that infest your dog and cause skin problems. Although there are three common species of these mites, the one that usually affects dogs is Cheyletiella yasguri. These mites can also transfer from your dog onto you. This usually results in an itchy rash.

If these mites infest your dog, you will notice redness, swelling spots, crusts, and itching. The most noticeable symptom is the so-called “walking dandruff”. If the infestation is advanced enough, you can notice the white mites walking along your dog’s skin. Cheyletiella is treated using shampoos containing pyrethrin, lime sulfur, or selenium sulphide. You should also treat the environment so your dog doesn’t get reinfected. Use a vacuum throughout your home and a flea control spray.


Sarcoptic mange is one of the next dog skin problems. This disease is characterized by an infestation of Sarcoptes mites. These mites cause severe itching. This causes your dog to scratch himself badly enough to cause sores to develop. Diagnosis of this disease can be difficult as the mites can prove difficult to find. The veterinarian will have to take a skin scraping and examine it under a microscope. Once successfully diagnosed, special shampoos can be used to treat the condition.


Ringworm may be something you’re already familiar with as it can infect humans. Ringworm can be caused by an infection from several species of fungus. An infection causes symptoms such as crusts, scale, and hair loss. Your dog may also experience mild itching. This fungal infection can be treated using oral medications or shampoo with lime sulfur.