Canine liver disease explained
Canine Liver Disease Explained
My dog has liver disease! What does it mean? Is my pet going to die?
Canine liver disease covers any medical disorder of the liver. The liver removes poisons and other toxins from the bloodstream. The liver can function even if 75% to 80% of the dog’s liver has been damaged.
Some of the more common symptoms of canine liver disease include:
Yellow Jaundice – the dog’s eyes, skin and even the gums turn a yellowy color.
Frequent Vomiting which may include blood
Diarrhea, which may include blood.
Stools may be pale gray, orange, or even yellow colored.
Frequent urination and increased drinking and thirst
Lethargic behavior, apathy, disinterest in things happening around your pet
Swollen belly.
If you see any of these symptoms, suspect liver disease and see your vet right away. Don’t delay. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to treat and cure your dog.
Canine liver disease treatment can utilize something that not all veterinarians prescribe or use. Milk thistle, a natural supplement, has been used successfully in treating canine liver disease.
My daughter called me, very shook up, because her vet, a respected doctor, an instructor in a veterinary school, had diagnosed her dog with liver disease, and gave the dog about 5 weeks to live.
I had just read about milk thistle, told my daughter, who told the vet. He said he had not heard of the use of milk thistle, but If she wanted to do so, give the dog about half the dosage that a human would take.
My daughter gave her Sheltie a 25mg dose of milk thistle every day until her dog’s liver profile was normal. Once the dog’s liver function became normal, the dog lived a comfortable life for another 5 years.
It is now an accepted practice to prescribe milk thistle for canine liver disease.