Buying a dog, its easy right
We make purchases all the time. Walk into the store, pick your favorite, slap some money on the counter and head home. So why the hesitation when it comes to buying a dog? Don’t worry, that hesitation is a good and healthy thing. It means your thinking. Much better than buying a puppy on impulse. We make enough impulse purchases for the little things. A new new puppy dog on the other hand, is a member of the family, and adding to the family is not something to be considered lightly. Here are a few points to mull over, that could make that future purchase a joyful one.
Is your home a puppy friendly environment? How large or small is your home? The size of your dwelling should have an important weight in the type of dog you can live with. A energetic, large dog will need plenty of room to roam, and exercise in. While if you live in a small apartment, something smaller than a GreatDane puppy might be in order. How your going to keep your dog on your property, without it running around the neighborhood is something to think about as well.
There are more costs to having a puppy, then just the initial purchase. Not much of a surprise there. It seems like everything we buy these days has a whole list of accessories,peripherals, and add- ons that come along. Puppy dogs are no different. The list can be long or short, but there are a few unavoidables. Food, immunizations, health care, and neutering are some of the most obvious things your dog will need. If your dog will not travel with you on long trips, then kenneling will be an expense to look into. Depending on your experience with dogs, perhaps dog obedience school is important. It can teach the owner more than the dog you know. Most cities, have some kind of registration that is required, and it’s not usually a free service.
A stable home can be important for a dog, as well as people. If there are any major life changes in the near future for the perspective dog owner, it could have an impact on the dog. Going of to university, moving to a new home, marriage, or lengthy overseas travel can all detract from an owners ability to care for a dog. Owner health problems, while often not foreseeable, can also change the life of a pet. If you know this is possible, it should be taken into consideration.
Consider the sex of the dog before you make the purchase. Females are usually smaller, and a little easier to control then the males of most breeds. Females will come into heat every six months, so neutering may be an option here.
Once you consider all the factors, a number of species will seem like a good choice, and others will not. It’s an important exercise, but once you have carefully considered all these points, your purchase of a new puppy should be somewhat easier. It certainly won’t be an impulse buy, and that’s good for both you and your newest four legged member of the family.