Dog breeds that start with A
In this article we list some of the dog breeds that start with the letter A.
Afghan Hound
Member of the greyhound family. It is written that these baboon hounds were among the animals in noah’s ark. Brought from their homelands of Arabia and Persia to Afghanistan.They were discovered in the latter part of the 19th century by British soldiers. An officer brought the first specimen to England in 1894.
In 1920 two English breeders imported 17 hounds, each took on a separate breeding programme and two strains were developed,giving them different coat type and color. The two were interbred and the modern Afghan is said to have the best qualities of both.
Aloof and dignified, yet happy-go lucky.
The Akita dates back some 300 years in Northern Japan. At one time the breed was considered a great treasure and only noblemen could own one. In 1931 the Japanese government claimed the Akita a natural monument and took action to preserve the dog. Akitas are primarily working dogs, but are used for guard, guide, and protector of children and home.
Alert and very responsive, dignified and courageous. Friendly, but aggressive to other dogs. Rarely barks, but when it does it is only a warning.
Alaskan Malamute
This dog is named after the Eskimo tribe called the “Mahlemuts” and were used to pull the sleighs. Their thick coat and strength made it easy for them to endure the long harsh winters. It wasn’t until the late 1920’s that they were recognized outside their native country.
The Malamute is very intelligent, but because they can be so head strong, some think they are dumb. Good with children and affectionate
Airedal Terrier
This dog gets his name from the river Aire in Yorkshire. It is a cross between an Otterhound and a Welsh Terrier and was used to hunt otters.
Active and affectionate