Gorden Setter

Description: The Gordon Setter is the largest and strongest of the three setter dog breeds (English, Gordon and Irish) The three setters are similar in shape abut have somewhat different temperaments and widely different coat colors. The handsome and muscular Gordon has a silky, medium-length coat with feathering on the [...]

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Description: The Rottweiler or German Rottweiler is a very heavy and muscular, large dog breed. The Rotweiller is relatively short and compact with a powerful body and strong back. The Rottie’s head has a broad skull and deep muzzle; its small ears are set high and hang close to the [...]

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Description: The Borzoi is a tall, lean and aristocratic looking dog that belongs to the group of sight hound dog breeds. In fact the Borzoi resembles another sight hound, the Greyhound, only with long hair. Borzois are also known as Russian Wolfhounds. This Wolfhound has a long narrow head with [...]

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Shetland Sheepdog

Description: The Shetland Sheepdog or Sheltie is a small dog breed that looks like a small Rough-coated Collie. The Sheltie’s body is longer than tall with a deep chest and level back. The Shetland’s head is long and tapers straight down to its nose and its ears are small, high [...]

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Toy Fox Terrier

Description: The Toy Fox Terrier, American Toy Terrier or TFT is an athletic looking diminutive toy dog breed. The TFT has an elegant muscular body that moves with grace and agility. TFT’s have natural v-shaped ears that are erect and a tail that is usually docked and carried high. The [...]

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Labradoodle Breed Information

Temperament Labradoodles are sociable, friendly, non aggressive, and extremely intuitive. Their intelligence and high trainability make them well suited for guide dogs, therapy dogs, and other assistance dogs. Their non allergic coats make them popular among people who have not been able to enjoy pets because of their allergies. Sizes [...]

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Top 10 Hound Dog Breeds

The Hound Group includes dog breeds with a wonderful sense of smell and/or great athleticism. These breeds were developed to follow game either by sight or by smell. Sighthounds include the fast and streamlined Afghans, Greyhounds and Salukis. Sighthounds need lots of exercise but some breeds like the Borzoi, the [...]

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