Shih tzu poop eating habit
Having A Shih Tzu as pet is like having an adorable little angel around the house. But that little angel will soon become a horrible monster once he learns the habit of eating his poop. A dog may eat his own poop, other dog’s poop, cat poop, rabbit poop and other animal’s poop.
How do I get my Shih Tzu to stop eating his feces? A dog owner will surely ask question such as this when faced with a poop eating dog. But the reasons why a dog eats poop should be tackled first.
Lots and lots of speculations are being formulated as to the reason why dogs eat poop. Some believes that the lack or deficiency in food is what drives a dog to eat his dirt.
Some believe that dogs eat its feces in order to hide it. When a dog committed accident, say for example he accidentally dropped his poop into your newly washed rug. Punishing him for this act will surely give him the idea that he is being punished for excreting his poop. In order for you not to punish him, he will hide his poop from you.
That is the reason why we sometimes discover poop somewhere in the corner of the house or somewhere that can not be noticed immediately. And if, in anyway he couldn’t find a place to hide his dirt, his last recourse is to eat it. The repeated eating of his poop will eventually lead him to develop this into habit that is sometimes hard to break.
A dog may also eat his poop when witnessed other dogs eating poop too. Dogs, because of their curious nature, tend to follow what others are doing. But there is really no definite reason why a dog eats poop.
A dog may also eat his poop when witnessed other dogs eating poop too. Dogs, because of their curious nature, tend to follow what others are doing. But there is really no definite reason why a dog eats poop.
The best thing for you to do is to keep your yard and other areas of the house free from poop. Teach your dog his appropriate bathroom so that it will be easy for you to gather and dispose his dirt. Another solution is to put cayenne pepper or something to make the feces taste bad therefore discouraging your dog to eat it. Breaking one large meal into smaller and frequent feedings a day will also help your dog improve this behavior.
This behavior is not impossible to break as long as it is dealt with immediately. Your efforts will soon pay off, I tell you.