Puppy vaccinations
Raising a healthy puppy has more to it than puppy food, rest, and love. Puppies need the proper vaccinations to fight potentially life-threatening diseases. A mother’s milk is sufficient for assisting a puppy’s risk of disease early on. The presence of colostrum gives puppies a natural immunity to most diseases, but this will quickly fade and the puppy will need to survive on its own accord. For this reason, vaccinations are vital to raising a puppy in a world of modern disease. Below are some of the disease threats to your puppy that various vaccinations which prevent them. Probably the mostly commonly known k-9 disease is rabies. Though it is most closely associated as the mad drooling domestic dog disease, in the United States, rabies is more prevalent in wild animals. Pet owners are required by law to vaccinate their dogs for rabies, and puppies are ready for this vaccination by three months. Period vaccinations for rabies must continue according to various state laws. Lyme disease is another well known endemic occurring more intensely in certain areas of the country. Ask your vet if Lime is particularly common in your location. This is a tick-transmitted disease that can also be prevented through vaccine. However, it can also be stopped using proper tick repellant. Gastrointestinal, nervous system, and respiratory problems often manifest themselves as a symptom of Distemper. It can be spread through air particles, so it is important to get a Distemper vaccination for your puppy at 8 weeks. Some veterinarians require an even early injection. There are two more follow up shots, and it is recommended to continue with a yearly booster shot. Just as people are susceptible to hepatitis, puppies can become victims of the Adenovirus, which affects the liver, kidneys and eyes. Though people might be able to carry certain strains of hepatitis for fairly long periods of time, dogs can die within hours of prognosis. This vaccination should be given along with the distemper vaccinations. Leptospirosis is a bacterium that penetrates the skin or mucous cells and moves into a dog’s bloodstream. The symptoms range from simple diarrhea to chronic renal failure, and the vaccine should also be taken along with the adenovirus and distemper, with some exception. Some dogs are actually allergic to the leptospirosis vaccination. Because leptospirosis is contracted through mammal’s urine in contaminated bodies of water, dogs that live near ponds, streams, or marshy areas are most at risk and certainly need vaccination. Making sure your puppy has what it needs to fight fatal diseases is imperative. Not only is it important in order to be a good owner, some vaccines are also required by law to protect you and other pets your puppy might come into contact with. Spend the money on vaccinations and vet visits and it will save you time and problems in the future. Take a look at that cute little bundle and make the right decisions for its health and future.