How to treat hyperplasia in older male dogs
Hyperplasia of the prostate gland refers to an enlargement of the gland due to an increase in the number of cells in the gland. Two out of three dogs suffer from this condition. However, only a small proportion of these dogs show any visible signs of abnormality. It is speculated that the condition is caused by unbalanced production of hormones in the aging testicles. The prostate is placed directly below the rectum of the dog and the enlarged gland may cause discomfort in defecation and even constipation.
Hyperplasia can be treated with the help of mediations. The medical treatment consists of estrogen injections. These injections reduce the size of the prostate within six days. After the injections, other symptoms too shall disappear. The injection prevents the gland from being enlarged for a few months. Sometimes, the injection can prevent recurrence for several years at a stretch. Very few dogs get no benefit from this treatment. For such dogs, castration is the only remedy.
If your dog does not recover with the help of the injections, then it will have to undergo castration. Castration involves surgery and your dog will have to stay in the hospital for the same. The dog should be home a few days after the operation. However, this does not mean the dog can be allowed to move about immediately after the operation. You should keep the dog quiet and resting for at least a week. Give a low bulk diet to keep the dog in check. After the operation, there may be some pain and discomfort due to the stitches. Prevent the dog from biting or licking the stitches. Use restraint collars and even tranquilizers for a short period after the operation. Once the stitches can be removed, the dog can be allowed more freedom.
Another dangerous disease of the prostate is the cancer of the prostate. This disease is rare in dogs. By the time noticeable symptoms of the disease appear, it is too late for any remedial action to take effect. Hence, it is indeed a blessing that this disease is very rare in dogs. The noticeable symptoms include severe loss of weight, lameness, pain, difficulty in urination, blood flow in beginning of urination and low back pain. Castration or estrogen therapy offers temporary relief. Immunotherapy may be successful but this treatment is still in its research stage.
If your aged dog begins to urinate in the house despite being housebroken, always assume that the dog is facing a medical problem. Get your dog checked for a bladder or kidney problem. If no problem is found, only then should you chastise him for being disobedient.
Unless your dog suffers from serious problems like heart problems, exercise will never cause harm to the dog, irrespective of its age. Of course, the exercises done by the dog should not be excessive or unreasonable. You cannot expect your aged dog to hump hurdles. If the exercise is not very tiring, it will only provide benefits to the dog.