How to make your home safe for your new puppy
You’ve made the decision to bring a new puppy into your home. You’ve researched which breed will best suit your family and lifestyle and you’ve chosen where you’re going to get your puppy from. You’ve gone and purchased some recommended chew toys and puppy foods and now you’re just waiting for the moment you can bring your new family member home.
Before that time arrives though there are still several things you need to do so your home will be as puppy proof as possible, not only to save yourself a lot of time an money if they happen to chew something they shouldn’t but also to protect your new puppy from harm.
Outside: Check all the fences – make sure there are no holes large enough for him to either crawl through or get stuck in.
Take note of where you keep your rubbish bins etc can your puppy get into them or overturn them?
If you have a garden shed make sure all harmful chemicals etc are off the floor and well out of reach – much like a young child your puppy will want to investigate everything it can.
Roll up your hoses and pick up any other gardening utensils you may tend to leave laying around unless you want them used as a chew toy.
If you have a prized garden area you may want to fence it off as while you’re puppy is young there’s a good chance they’ll decide digging up your favourite roses is more fun than digging up the weeds.
Inside: If you have children remind them that the new puppy will not understand that their favourite toy shouldn’t be slobbered on so they will need to pick it up and put it away. Puppies don’t understand the difference between what they can chew on and what they can’t.
Make sure all your electrical chords are hidden away.
Ensure all your cupboards can close properly, again like young children they have an inquisitive nature and will want to know what’s behind that partially closed door.
If you have stairs or a room you don’t want them to go in you may want to consider purchasing a wooden gate or similar that can be placed across the opening.
Be prepared for late night accidents, by making sure you have enough newspaper etc to cover the floors where you’re puppy may be sleeping.
Training: You will want to start training your puppy as soon as possible and there are many tips to help you along way, but one of the key things to remember is consistency and patience.
Plan ahead of time what key phrases you are going to use eg sit, down or drop etc and always use the same one. Stock up on some puppy treats to use as a reward and remember to keep training fun and only for a limited time, your puppy will get bored reasonably quickly so keep it short.