Dog health, preventing canine infectious hepatitis
Canine Infectious Hepatitis – a virus that mainly attacks the dog’s liver. Aside from the liver it also infects other organs such as the kidneys or even the lymphoid system. A pet hosting the disease will show several symptoms, the 1st usually being a fever. A sudden increase in the dogs temperature can be signs of other ailments, so to determine whether it is Canine Infectious Hepatitis, the symptom should be coupled with other symptoms. Other give-aways of the virus would be a loss in appetite. You may notice your pet not eating much or none at all. Even when its favorite food is served it would still refuse to eat.
Another would be coughing and a soft stomach. Check out its tummy – you should take note of any changes in its tenderness. As time passes vomiting may also occur. If your pet wakes up with more “crystals” in its eyes than usual, and some fluid running down its nose, both being coupled with the other symptoms, then there is a good chance that your pooch has been infected with the sickness. The information stated above are usually the minor symptoms displayed by a dog. Meaning the virus hasn’t been able to spread much. If you feel that your pet is infected, do not hesitate to seek professional help.
Have it undergo a check-up before your dog’s health worsens. If left untreated, the disease can become fatal. You will know that your pet really is in danger if it start vomiting, having diarrhea, and jaundice. For those not familiar with the ailment jaundice, it is characterized by a change in the animals skin color and eyes as well as its mucous. It turns yellow. Your dog will experience abdominal pains too. When this happens, you have to get your pooch to your veterinarian to undergo treatment immediately, which includes the use of antibiotics. It is possible for most dogs immune systems to combat the virus on its on.
They can eradicate the virus without medical treatment. True for most pets, but not for all of them. We need to watch over our dog’s health carefully. We should never take the risk of being too lax. The disease can spread through doggy poop, pee, and saliva. Even its fleas and ticks can spread it. Isolation of the animal may be necessary, especially if you have other pets in the house. Have the entire area of where your dog stays disinfected. Have the other animals in the house avoid the area as a safety precaution. Canine Infectious Hepatitis can either do minor damage or become fatal to depending on the strength of its immune system.
Prevention of the disease would be through vaccination. An adult dog should be vaccinated at least twice a year to be safe. Keeping them healthy is always a lot better than availing medication and undergoing check-ups when they aren’t. By doing so a lot of money can be saved and your pet will be kept happy. You’ll also be saving yourself from the burden of burying your beloved animal in the backyard.