Dangerous foods for your dog

Because of the fact that dangerous foods for your dog abound in your kitchen, one should be very cautious with what sort of treats they offer to their canine companion. Familiarizing yourself with the following list of taboo foods will help your pet lead a long and healthy life.

1. Alcohol: can cause vomiting, difficulty breathing, as well as other problems including coma and even death.

2. Avocado: can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heart congestion.

3. Bones: can cause choking; additionally bones can splinter and become lodged in the dog’s digestive tract (chicken bones are particularly problematic).

It is always a good idea to know what are potentially dangerous foods for your dog4. Chocolate: can cause dehydration, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, and potentially death.

5. Coffee/Caffeine: all sources of caffeine can cause the same problems as chocolate.

6. Corn on the Cob: pieces of the cob commonly cause intestinal blockages which can lead to death.

7. Grapes/Raisins: can cause kidney failure.

8. Macadamia Nuts (and associated products): can cause weakness, tremors and swollen limbs.

9. Medications: can cause a host of problems.

10. Milk: can cause digestive problems including, but not limited to, bloating, diarrhea, and gas.

11. Onion/Garlic/Chives: All forms can cause problems in the digestive system and large doses can damage red blood cells.

12. Raw Eggs: can cause problems with the dog’s skin and coat.

13. Raw/Rare Meat: can harbor harmful bacteria.

14. Salmon and Trout: even when cooked, contain a parasite dangerous to dogs.

15. Xylitol: can cause lethargy, loss of coordination, and vomiting which can eventually lead to liver failure.

16. Yeast dough: rising can continue in the dog’s digestive system leading to gas, pain or even rupture of the intestines (baked bread is fine in small amounts).

Keep in mind that many of these dangerous foods for your dog are ingredients in other things. There are even supplements for dogs that boast garlic as flea protection.

Make sure everyone in your household is aware of what not to feed your pets. In fact, the safest route is to avoid feeding table scraps of any sort to your dog.

Accidents do happen, however, and you should watch your dog for changes in behavior that may indicate they have eaten something poisonous, such as lethargy, frothing at the mouth, weakness or loss of coordination.

Prompt medical attention should be sought if you notice any of these problems. However, if you take care to keep these dangerous foods for your dog out of your pet’s mouth, everyone will be better off.

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, an operating division of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), is the only animal-oriented poison control center in North America. It is a unique emergency hotline providing 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week telephone assistance. The Center’s hotline veterinarians can quickly answer questions about toxic chemicals, dangerous plants, products or substances found in our everyday surroundings that can prove poisonous or fatal to animals.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center 1-888-4-ANI-HELP