Bulldog health problems
When it comes to Bulldog health, there are certain common conditions that owners need to look out for. If you’re purchasing or adopting an adult Bulldog, it’s pretty easy to spot any health problems. However, if you get a Bulldog puppy for a family pet, some of these health conditions may arise as the pup grows older. Bulldog owners should at least familiar with the most common health issues and be ready to take corrective action the moment signs appear.
Many Bulldog health problems are related to the dog’s sensitivity to temperature, which often leads to allergies and diseases. Whilst there are a few skin conditions for which veterinary attention must be sought, simple remedies can be used to cure most of them. In the rest of this article we’ll look at the most common Bulldog skin problems you may encounter.
Tear Stains and Yeast Infections are particularly common among Bulldogs. These often develop due to excess tearing, which can provide breeding grounds for common bacteria and yeast. In some cases, the infection develops at the chin, where the skin can become softened due to the continuous wetness of the fur from drinking. These kind of infections are easily treated with antibacterial teardrops or topical medications.
Bulldog Allergies, like those in humans, materialize on the dog’s skin in reaction to something it came in contact with in its immediate surroundings or ingested. Although most inflammations of this nature can usually be treated with topical medicines, it is important to be aware that they do have a tendency to lead to other skin infections if not promptly cleared up. As such it’s best to consult a veterinarian if the condition is slow to respond to treatment or shows signs of getting worse. If the allergies escalate they may lead to Demodectic Mange, which is caused by mites. Demodectic Mange tends to affect the dog’s immune system very badly and can require medication to be given intravenously if not caught early.
Dermatitis is a bacterial infection that attacks the inflamed skin that often results from flea bites, or areas of skin softened due to poor ventilation. Gradually the bacterial infection develops into crusty spots, usually beneath skin folds or under the tail. Orally administered vitamins or special shampoos can quickly and easily remedy the problem. Hotspots are a common type of Dermatitis found in dogs. These appear on the dog as foul smelling moist patches of skin containing pus. Cases like these require treatment with antibiotics.
Interdigital Cysts are another common skin condition Bulldogs can suffer from. These are severe abbesses normally found between the dog’s toes. They usually develop as the result of ingrown hair. Regular application of iodine solution is generally an effective cure for Interdigital Cysts in Bulldogs. However, in severe cases surgical removal may necessary.
As with any condition, prevention is always better than cure. Bulldogs must not be overexposed to heat, as this is the ultimate cause of many Bulldog skin conditions (temperate climates are best for Bulldogs). Avoid creating breeding grounds for bacteria by ensuring your Bulldog and its living space is kept clean at all times. Also remember that a nutritious diet and regular exercise is essential to help maintain your Bulldog’s health and fitness.
If you follow this advice, and check regularly for symptoms of any of the Bulldog health problems discussed above, you will go and long way towards keeping your lovable Bully happy and well!