Choosing the right breed of dog, tips to live by

Choosing the right breed of dog is not an easy task considering that there are hundreds of dog breeds. It is possible to follow a few obvious rules and narrow down your choice while selecting dog breeds. It is not advisable to go only for looks or aesthetically pleasing breeds because these considerations tend to overshadow the more practical considerations, some of which are detailed further on.

First and foremost, is your dwelling place suitable for the breed you want to consider? Apartment dwellers should avoid large breeds. Obviously, Toy Group dogs like Yorkshire Terriers are a good choice.

The presence of children in the house is another factor. Toy Group dogs are delicate and can easily suffer injuries at the hands of innocent children whose instinct is to grasp and squeeze.

Large dogs are too strong and might accidentally push or topple very small children without intending to.

Medium sized breeds are best if there are children in the family.

Dog breeds in the Sporting, Hound, and Herding groups need plenty of exercise. An enclosed yard is a big help. If there is a park close by, that would also do as long as you are regular in going there. These breeds were bred to work hard and they always have excess energy that needs to be let out in some way.

Study grooming and see how much time can be devoted to it. Some breeds need no more than ½ hour per week. Others might need a full hour a day. Don’t buy a Standard Poodle if you are busy.

People short on time should go for Boston Terriers or Whippets.

Once the selecting of dog breeds is complete, decide on the age. Puppies might not have developed any bad habits but they need to be properly trained. Grown up dogs are already housebroken and have some obedience training but they could possibly have health or behavior problems that is causing their owner to sell them in the first place.

If the decision is to buy a puppy, then a reputable dog breeder must be located who has a litter of the breed that has been selected. Good breeders usually have a waiting list for puppies of all breeds. Impatient people are likely to be put off by this and rush off to a pet store to buy a puppy immediately. Beware, pet store puppies are normally bred in puppy farms and could have health problems, bad temperaments, etc. The safest thing to do is to buy a puppy directly from a reputable breeder and from nowhere else.

The best places to inquire for grown up dogs are the local animal shelter or the breed rescue. These groups are responsible for evaluating a dog’s health and temperament before putting them up for adoption and are safe options.