Choosing a good weight loss diet for your dog
When we think about being good dog owners, of course we think about making sure that our dogs get plenty of food, shelter and love, and the problem that often occurs is that we don’t often think that they can get too much of any of that! The truth is that according to recent studies, anywhere from one-third to a full one half of the pet dogs in America are overweight and that many of their owners don’t even realize that there is a problem! Obesity in dogs can cause some severe problems in both the short term and the long term, so if you are in a place where you want your dog to lose weight, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Meeting With Your Veterinarian
The first thing that you need to do if you suspect that your dog is obese is that you need to take him to the veterinarian. The veterinarian will be able to tell you for sure, and he or she will also be able to help you design a good diet for your dog as well as set a good goal weight. Especially when you are dealing with dogs with diet restrictions, a consultation is important.
Reduction or Special Food?
When you are ready to help your dog lose weight, you’ll discover that it is simply a matter of cutting down on the calories. The first way is to keep the dog on the food that he has been eating and to reduce it, and the second way is to get him on a special weight reduction diet. Remember that in either case, keep treats down to a minimum and don’t give him table scraps, either! Unless the weight that your dog needs to drop is minimal, it is usually better to go with a specially formulated diet that is high in fiber and low in fat.
What You Need to Know About Fat
The problem with the vast majority of commercial and mass produced dog food out there is that it is very high in fat. When you are dealing with weight reduction dog food for instance, you’ll find that the fact content the food when it is dry should be around 5% to 12%. If you ever notice that your dog is developing dry and flaky skin, it might be because there is not enough fat in his diet. If this is the case, consider a fatty acid supplement.
What You Need to Know About Fiber
When you feed your dog a high fiber, low fat diet, you are going to see results more quickly than if you just feed your dog smaller amounts of a high fat diet. One thing that a high fiber does is that it gets your dog to chew his food for longer. This small amount of motion can actually increase your dog’s metabolism while letting your dog keep the food in his system longer, which will stabilize your dog’s blood glucose level. Because of this concept, your dog will feel much fuller and be less inclined to be ravenously hungry when next you feed him.
There are lots of ways that you can put together a good weight loss diet for your dog, so make sure that you assess his needs and put your plan into action!